February Playlist

Saturday, February 20, 2016

I quickly went downhill with keeping monthly series like, for example, favourites on my blog. A bit of a fail, isn't it? Nonetheless, I decided to challenge myself again. This time, I'm going to start sharing with you, at least, five songs I've been loving during a particular month. I had never posted something like this on my blog before, so let me know what do you think!

To be honest, none of these songs is really that new&fresh.  Actually, most of them have been out for quite a while! 

Adele - I Miss You (couldn't find it on yt unfortunately!)

Although I have been having all these five compositions on repeat equally throughout the entire month of February, I do have to confess my true love to Tear In My Heart.  I think my family now hates me for singing it in the shower almost every morning...

Also, you're probably wondering why didn't I just created a playlist on spotify and linked it. Well, the the thing is, it's not available in my country yet, what a lolz.

Anyway, what music you've been listening to lately? Share in the comments!

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